
Sul sul, neighbors and thank you for visiting my blog! I can't wait to get to know all of you while I explore and adjust to my new home, and hopefully we can all be best friends!

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

I'm A Star, Baby!

 So, I went to the gym in Del Sol today, and OMGGGG I was swarmed by paparazzi and fans! Truly made me feel like the star I am!

When I got home, I called and hired a maid. I was too busy to clean before this, I sure won't have time now.

Sorry so short, gotta go practice for my next audition!

Sunday, September 5, 2021

I Quit!

 Sul sul everyone!

Title says it all: I quit my job, I could not stand programming one more day! I was freelancing...

My first client was super rude, even though I worked my butt off to get his ridiculous requests done way before deadline. Jerk.

I have done a few gigs so far, but...

Agatha Crumplebottom stopped by and told me I have a face for MOVIES!!! So I went to work doing auditions, and have my first commercial tomorrow!

Hobart and Liberty came over to hang out after the audition, and both were there to congratulate me when I got the call!

(so tired after audition... Hobart being a typical man and watching tv during my nap)

I can't wait to share my first commercial filming experience with you all... hopefully I'll be able to get some great behind the scenes shots! Dag dag!

Friday, September 3, 2021

Vacay Day!

 I really needed to get away the other day, and think about what I was doing at my job...

So I took a vacay day!!

I went to Hamfort-on-Bagley (I think that's what it was called, cute little place, ever been?) and found this adorable pub! Let me tell you, the bartender makes a mean Zebra Fizz.

(super cute pub walkup)

I ran into Eliza Pancakes, and my goodness she is BORING. (I can say that, because I even asked her if she read my blog, and she asked what even a blog was.) Fun fact: she is unemployed! Like, girl, what do you do all day?! 

(my new pubgoing friends!)

I have been so busy with work lately, that I missed Love Day :(

Also, the day after I came back from vacation, my phone was filled with calls from my pubbies asking me when I'm coming back! They love me :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

New Year's Eve!

 Sul sul, and happy new year!

My resolution is to start working out and jogging more, as I am getting a little flabby. I also got gifted a coffee maker during a promotion... and I think I have an addiction hahaha.

I wrote a childrens book earlier today while I was inspired, and it made me realize how much I truly hate my job. I think I might seriously consider changing careers.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Winterfest... Already?

 Sul sul, all! Time is really flying by!

Winterfest was yesterday! Before my friends and I got started celebrating, it snowed again! I took advantage this time, and built a snowperson with Mortimer Goth (omg, I think we might be friends now)

(building with Mortimer)

(Mortimer & snow Bubbula)

After we finished, Liberty helped me decorate the house. I feel like we just took down the Harvestfest stuff! We did up the outside, but also put the tree and presents out.

(picture perfect, right?)

I made a grand meal for all of our friends, and we all had a great time. We got some great pictures together, and I loved celebrating with them!

After everyone else left, Liberty & I opened presents together. I think we may have had too many sour punches, because we also sang Fwingle Zibbs, alone, to the tree!

It was super late, everyone had left, & I was about to go to sleep, and this guy shows up!

I just had to stay up a little late to chat with him... I think we might be friends now, he definitely told me to call him Clement! Alright guys, I hope your holiday was as great as mine was! Dag dag!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

What is up in Strangerville??

 Sul sul! I had a crazy day, and just had to share it.

So, I had the day off today, and Liberty said we should go check out a nearby town. Cool, I'm all for it, I could use a change of scenery. So off we went to Strangerville... side note, who names a town THAT?!

I guess Lib told Katrina we were going, because she ended up in the same bar as us. I didn't mind, there were tons of really cool people, even the military (heavy presence for some reason) were awesome to talk to... unless you ask about the town. (More on that later)

I met this guy, Albert, that was super flirty. I had to let him down gently that I was not interested. He took it well :)

Somewhere in between talking to Albert, and dancing, I lost track of Liberty! I could not find her anywhere, and my phone wasn't working. (Don't worry, when I got home, my phone worked fine, and she said she didn't remember leaving. Weird, right?)

So, talking to everyone, they seemed super friendly, but kept mentioning some type of secret lab. I saw some doctors walking around, and a few tried to talk to me, but I got super nervous and went back to my friends. 

Then the weirdest thing happened. I saw this one guy, moving around really odd. Like, I can't even call it walking because he was sorta all over the place. I wish my phone had worked at that point, I would have snagged a video. I tried to check on him, maybe he needed help, ya know? But he kept repeating something I couldn't understand. At that point, I was like, nope time to go! And hightailed it home.

I don't know if I will ever visit again, even though they have some great people and a super cute curio shop. Strangerville might just be a little too strange for me. Dag dag, all!

(Before my phone glitched, got this really great selfie!)

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 Sul sul, everyone!

Of course I went to work instead of working from home, and today is the day it snowed. It didn't last long again, but I did get a cool picture of the stream outside my house:

I'm thinking about if I really want to stick to my job. I make good money, but I reallllllly hate programming. I'll stay at it for now, but literally every time I come home the last thing I want to do is even look at computers. It sucks, because I love playing video games and chatting with my friends, and most of all, blogging for all my fans! Haha. Something for me to think about I guess.

Dag dag, have a great night!